(954) 295-8015 homes@edpoirier.com

 Parkland Florida January Newsletter 2016

 Finding the Right Professionals in Parkland Florida

If you’re considering buying a new home, one of your most important tasks is to find the right professionals to help you. You’ll need a good REALTOR® and possibly other professionals such as a real estate lawyer, contractor, cleaner, carpet installer, plumber, electrician and a moving company.

How do you find the right people in Parkland to make your move go smoothly?
First, start with professionals you already know in some way. You may already know someone – a contractor, for example – that you like and trust.
If so, then it makes sense to talk to him or her about your plans.
Also, consider those professionals who have taken the time to reach out to you by way of a visit, phone call or helpful newsletters (like this one). They’re demonstrating their interest in getting to know you and being of service.
It makes sense to give them a call.Another tactic is to ask for recommendations. Ask friends, neighbors, and even other professionals if they can recommend a good company to help you. Chances are, they can. You’ll find that most professionals, such as REALTORS® like us Lea & Rubin , have a network of trusted people and companies they recommend.
A good REALTOR® can probably give you all kinds of real estate related referrals.
If you need a recommendation, please call today.954 802 8451

The Emotional Side of Selling  Emotional Side of Selling

Let’s face it. Selling your home anywhere including Parkland Florida is as much an emotional decision as it is a practical one.managing emortions

Sure, in some ways, a property is a “product”. You want to sell that product quickly and for the best price, so you can buy your next dream home. A home, however, is also a place filled with memories and emotional attachments. You’ll think of the rec room where the kids’ birthday parties were held; the dining room where you had countless family dinners; and the backyard deck where many afternoons were spent enjoying the sunshine. That’s why managing the emotional side of selling your home is so important. Here are some tips:

  • Have your kids draw pictures of the fun they’ll have in their new home.
  • Remind your kids that they’ll be able to stay in touch with their old friends, while making new ones.
  • Visit neighborhoods where you’d like to find your next home. Walk around. Get a sense of what it’s going to be like to live there.
  • Consider taking a keepsake with you from your old home to help ease the transition.

Want more ideas for making your next move go smoothly? Call   lea 7 Rubin today.954 802 8451

What To Do When Closing Dates Don’t Match

If you want to sell your current property and purchase your next dream home in Parkland Florida , you might be concerned that the closing dates need to be on the same day.You might be worried about losing a property if the closing dates overlap, or being put out on the street if the dates are far apart!calendar     For the most part, these concerns are unfounded. Thousands of properties change hands every day and usually everything works out just fine

.In fact, it’s amazing how often closing dates actually do match! But what happens if the closing date of the home you want to buy is days or weeks earlier than the closing date of your own property

?Alternatively, if the home you want has a later closing date, your REALTOR® can help you explore options, such as finding a short-term rental. Call lea & Rubin to help you 95 4802 8451

notable, quotable… quotes! s!


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon

“Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” Doug Ivester

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.” Flora Whittemore