Real Estate statistics for the cities of Parkland, Coral Springs, Weston, Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding area for 2018 and 2019.
Real Estate values are very local and you should call Lea at 954 802 8451 or consult a full time Real Estate agent to go over the closed sales in Parkland, Coral Springs, Weston and Fort Lauderdale in the last 90 days. When you sell a home, 90% of the time it is for a buyer who will be looking for a mortgage, and your buyer’s mortgage company will be hiring an appraiser to evaluate the value of the home. This is called an appraisal. All appraisals use the closed home sales method to determine the appraised value of your home and this is what we will share with you. When you review these facts the value of the home is then determined.
4 Great Reasons People are Buying Parkland Florida Homes in 2021
There is a large number of real estate market experts forecasting that the real estate market will continue to see positive growth through 2021. The largest driver of the real estate market right now is the impact the pandemic has made on lifestyles with more people...
3 Reasons to be Optimistic About Real Estate in 2021
Last year, 2020, will be remembered for a number of reasons. Good memories and optimism are something that probably do not come to mind first when reflecting on the year. There are many things that turned 2020 into a rough year for every human on the planet, all...
Major Increase in Home Prices
The state of Florida has experienced an increase in home prices, not just this year but over 10 years in general. The state of Florida has seen an increase between 8% and nearly 9% in 2020 alone. This is the second biggest increase across the country with only 10...
Parkland, Coral Springs, Boca Raton June 2020 Market Update
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Buyers Hoping Home Prices will Drop will be Disappointed
Many home buyers remember the recession of 2008. During that recession, we saw home values drop tremendously and those able to qualify for mortgages and purchase homes were able to take advantage of very low prices. With the pandemic ushering in the word recession...